Student Drop Off and Dismissal Information

Car Line Procedures

The morning drop off procedures are outlined below.

  1. At 8:45 am the cafeteria doors will open for students to enter the building.  Staff members will be on duty to assist with the arrival process.
  2. Cars will enter through Paper Mill Road first and they will pull around the perimeter of the cafeteria parking lot and cars will exit out of Haws Lane. Students being dropped off or picked up by a family member will follow the car line routine. 
  3. Students should report directly to their classrooms.
  4. Once you have dropped off your child, please exit the lot.
  5. Please refrain from parking in the visitor spots and other unauthorized locations.

Please be mindful that the official start time of the school day is 8:55 am

Map showing how to enter and exit parking lot for carline drop off and pick up

Dismissal Procedures

Bus Riders:

At the end of the student day all students who ride the bus will be dismissed directly from their assigned bus rooms to their busses.  There will be a staff member on duty in the bus rooms who will supervise the dismissal process.  Only students assigned to a particular bus by the school district’s transportation department may ride that bus. Children not assigned to a particular bus are not permitted to ride that bus.


Students who walk home each day will be dismissed from their classroom to the Walker exit doors. Bus riders will not be permitted to walk without a permission note written by their parent/guardian.

Pick up Line Students:

Students being picked up daily or who have a note from their Parent/Guardian will be dismissed to the pickup line in the dining hall. Parents picking up children who did not give a note to the teacher are expected to report to the office. Children will not be permitted to wait to be picked up unless a note has been given to the teacher and/or the school office from a parent/guardian stating that the child is not to ride their bus on a given day. Without a note from a parent, children will be put on their assigned bus. Students are not permitted to ride any bus other than the bus they are assigned to by the transportation office.

The Upper Parking Lot will not be available until 3:25 Dismissal Time. 


Please Note: 

To ensure the safety of each of our students, phone requests for a change in dismissal procedures will not be accepted.  It is impossible for office personnel to recognize the voice of every parent and, therefore, cannot be certain that the phone request is from someone with authority to pick up a particular student. 


Occasionally, students must leave school before the end of the day.  Keeping that in mind, parents, please schedule doctor, dentist and other appointments after school, if at all possible. If a student must leave early, please pick them up before 3:00 pm to avoid bus dismissal traffic and send a note to the teacher in advance. We will call for the student when you arrive. Our goal is to eliminate interruptions of a child’s school day.